Renter Rated

The car rental agency standard for collecting and presenting real customer rental experiences.

What is Renter Rated?

Renter rated Stars

Renter Rated is a Program developed by that provides your renters with the opportunity to share their rental experiences. At the end of their rental, renters are encouraged to rate your agency based on 9 criteria. All renters’ ratings are tallied – the more ratings your agency has, the more reliable the star rating value you will have. Categories of service can have ratings up to 5 stars (exceptional).

Why Should I Sign Up?

Consumer Confidence: It is important that new renters have the opportunity to know about your company before committing to a rental. If they see that past customers had a great rental experience with your agency, they will be most likely to go ahead and book with you.

Business Metrics: Your agency may get fantastic ratings on some criteria while only barely passing others. This is a great tool for you to use to see where you are thriving and conversely, where you need to make changes. Customers are not shy – and since the Renter Rated Program allows some anonymity, renters will be inclined to be truthful in their ratings. This metric can only help your agency grow.


How Does it Work?

How it Works for the Agency

First things first: You need to sign up. SIGNUP HERE

This is super easy and there are only a few short steps to follow to get started. Expressitech support person will activate your account, usually within 24 hours. After activation you will receive notification email containing all necessary information for you to:

  1. Log in and create a password.
  2. How to place the Renter Rated badge on your website.
  3. How to submit reservation for review, and
  4. How to see renter comments, and create a reply if you wish.

All of the Ratings charts and other materials described in "What Do I Get" will soon be available.

How it Works for the Renter

  • They complete a reservation with one of your agency's vehicles.

  • Based on Renter and Reservation information you submit to EIT, we send out Invitations for Renters to participate in a quick survey or review, after the drop-off date.

  • The renters will complete a short survey. It only takes a minute to enter the 10 category ratings into the check boxes provided. They are also asked to leave a short text review or comment. We hope they will appreciate the chance to share their rental experience.

What About Privacy?

The system has been designed so that it only takes minimal information from the renter – this will allow them to feel secure when leaving their comments. The required information (name and email address) is needed so that the system will be able to contact the renter at the completion of the rental. Each rental also has it’s own unique identifier (i.e. reservation number) – this allows our company to track if renters are return customers. Be advised that the email address is one-way encrypted, so we are only able to contact them one time.

What Do I Get?

Renter Rated Stars

You will be able to post your agency rating at your site for future renters to see. We provide a small graphic or Renter Ratin badge for you to add to your site, like the one seen above.

When a renter clicks on the Rating badge, more details will be shown.

These include:

  • Your agency’s overall star rating, created from past survey results, like the chart shown at the top of this page, which tells you about service in every category.
  • The total number of ratings your agency has – this is displayed as a chart that shows how many of each star-ratings are submitted. It tells you if service is consistent or varies a lot.

Results are updated in real time – renters will be able to see how fantastic your agency is, after other renters leave reviews and comments. In addition to this, we make sure renters stay on your site, even if they want more information on the Renter Rated Program. We provide a link to the Renter Rated Site that pops up as a new window or tab. When the renter leaves that web location, they are still on your website.